Science Lists

Leaving Your Baby With A Nanny

It is not easy as we say to leave a baby at the hands of a caretaker and leave for work, how much ever trustworthy they caretakers are. It is the nature of mothers to be worried or concerned about their infant when the infants are not under their supervision. Therefore, if you are a working mother, you can take certain steps to make sure that your child is in safe hands when you are away.


\"\"First of all, chose the best nanny in town that you can find to take the best care of your infant. Try to find nannies who have experience in the field because they will know exactly what to do when a baby throws tantrums. Experienced nannies can be more kind, gentler and patient with your baby. Advice the caretaker about the duties they must adhere to when they are with the baby. Instruct them on how to feed the formula for baby. They may be knowing it already but let them know anyway. When you have found the appropriate nanny for taking care of your baby, don\’t let her join to work immediately. Invite her in and let her spend some time with the baby while you are at home. This way your child will get comfortable with the presence of the caretaker.


Nan comfort formula provides high-quality nutrition and help in growth development of the infant. Provide careful instructions to the nanny on how to feed your child. Advise her to completely boil the water for milk and let her know about the importance of sterilizing the baby\’s feeding equipment. The surrounding where your infant will be playing and moving around should be well kept and free from germs. So, ask the caretake to keep a vigilant eye on the baby always. You could install cameras within the house that has communications capabilities too. That way you can let your child hear your voice even when you are not around. This will make it easier for you to be closer to your child even when you are at work. The caretaker might take offence in you installing cameras around the house, so it is better to inform the caretaker about your motives on installing it beforehand.


Showing gratitude towards your caretaker is important since she acts like the second mother for your baby when you are away. Make sure to settle her payments on time. Ask her to take rests when the baby is asleep. Small steps kindness would mean a great deal to her and this would make her look after your child with even more affection and compassion.

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